HubSpot IncのEV / EBITDA

HubSpot IncのEV / EBITDAは何ですか。

HubSpot IncのEV / EBITDAはN/Aです。

EV / EBITDAの定義は何ですか。

EV / EBITDA は、企業価値をEBITDA(利息、税金、減価償却費および償却費を控除する前の利益)で割ったものですです。これは、株価がどれほど高価で、P / E比よりも頻繁に企業をお互いを比較するために使用されます。これは、投資家が会社のキャッシュフローの利益のために支払う価格を測定します。

Price to earnings ratios are impacted by a company's choice of capital structure - companies which raise money via debt will have lower P/Es (and therefore look cheaper) than companies that raise an equivalent amount of money by issuing shares, even though the two companies might have equivalent enterprise values. A sample case is when a company with debt were to raise money by issuing shares of stock, and then used the money to pay off the debt, this company's P/E ratio would shoot up because of the increased number of shares - although nothing about the fundamental value of the business has changed. EV / EBITDA is unaffected by capital structure as enterprise value includes the value of debt, and EBITDA is available to all investors (debt and equity) as it excludes interest payments on that debt. It is ideal for analysts and potential investors looking to compare companies within the same industry.

NYSEのセクタTechnologyにおけるEV / EBITDAの企業と比べるHubSpot Inc

HubSpot Incは何をしますか。

hubspot is the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform. since 2006, hubspot has been on a mission to make the world more inbound. today, 15,000+ customers in more than 90 countries use hubspot’s software, services, and support to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers. hubspot is headquartered in cambridge, ma with offices in dublin, ireland, and sydney, australia, and has been recognized by inc., forbes, and deloitte as one of the world’s fastest-growing companies. hubspot's software has helped companies worldwide change how they market and sell, while our innovative approach to company culture has helped redefine transparency and autonomy in the modern workplace. to learn more about hubspot's software, visit to join our team, visit

HubSpot Incと類似のev / ebitda