Avid Bioservices Incの支払期日

Avid Bioservices Incの支払期日は何ですか。

Avid Bioservices Incの支払期日はN/Aです。


配当日は、 確定配当を支払う予定の支払日です。

The dividend date or payment date is the date on which dividends will be paid to shareholders. Only shareholders who owned the stock before an ex-dividend date are entitled to dividends.

Avid Bioservices Incは何をしますか。

avid bioservices, a subsidiary of peregrine pharmaceuticals, inc. (nasdaq: pphm), is a unique contract manufacturing organization ("cmo") partner dedicated to the development and production of monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins and enzymes produced in mammalian cell culture. our extensive experience at all stages of development enables us to provide comprehensive development, manufacturing and support services to navigate a biologic from concept to commercialization.