China Touyun Techの株式の価格

China Touyun Techの株式の価格 は何ですか。

China Touyun Tech Group Limitedの株式の価格 は0.03です。

株式の価格 の定義は何ですか。


Cash per share, sometimes called the cash share ratio, is the total cash per share. Cash on hand is reported on the balance sheet. Cash per share is calculated by dividing cash on hand by the total number of shares. Cash per share is the percentage of a firm's share price that is immediately accessible for spending. Cash per share consists of cash and short-term investments. It is money that a firm has on hand and does not come from borrowing or financing activities.

When a firm has a high cash per share, significant percentage of its assets is in a very liquid form. This can indicate economic uncertainty and unwillingness to invest given the current economic climate. High levels of cash per share can indicate that a firm is performing well and is able to reinvest in itself but high cash per share does not always indicate overall financial strength.

HKSEのセクタMaterialsにおける株式の価格 の企業と比べるChina Touyun Tech

China Touyun Techは何をしますか。

Touyun Biotech Group Limited, an investment holding company, designs, develops, manufactures, and sells packaging products in Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China, Europe, North and South America, and internationally. It operates through four segments: QR Code Business, Packaging Products, Treasury Investment, and Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii Product Business. The QR Code Business segment provides QR codes on product packaging and solutions; and online advertising display services. The Packaging Products segment manufactures and sells watch boxes, jewelry boxes, eyewear cases, bags and pouches, and display units. The Treasury Investment segment invests in and trades in securities, as well as offers money lending, securities brokerage, asset management, and margin financing services. The Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii Product Business segment produces and sells chlamydomonas reinhardtii, micro-algae, and related products. It also provides business intelligence IT solutions and corporate management services. The company was formerly known as China Touyun Tech Group Limited and changed its name to Touyun Biotech Group Limited in May 2021. Touyun Biotech Group Limited was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

China Touyun Techと類似の株式の価格