Acheter-Louer.Fr SAの支払期日

Acheter-Louer.Fr SAの支払期日は何ですか。

Acheter-Louer.Fr SAの支払期日はN/Aです。


配当日は、 確定配当を支払う予定の支払日です。

The dividend date or payment date is the date on which dividends will be paid to shareholders. Only shareholders who owned the stock before an ex-dividend date are entitled to dividends.

Acheter-Louer.Fr SAは何をしますか。

Acheter-Louer.Fr SA provides communications solutions for commercial development and promotion of the professions of its clients, independent real estate agents, federated in groups or franchisees, developers, banks, mortgage brokers, and institutional customers. The company offers real estate newspapers to individuals in displays; marketing solutions; and production of sales support tools and advisory services on communication strategy. It also operates, a real estate advertising site in France, as well as develops personalized websites and various web-mobile applications. The company is headquartered in Paris, France. Acheter-Louer.Fr SA is a subsidiary of Adomos S.A.