Nalwa Sons Investmentsの浮動株式数
Nalwa Sons Investmentsの浮動株式数は何ですか。
Nalwa Sons Investments Limitedの浮動株式数は10.923M 212.66%です。
Shares float represents the portion of shares of a corporation that are in the hands of public investors as opposed to locked-in stock held by promoters, company officers, controlling-interest investors, or government. This number is sometimes seen as a better way of calculating market capitalization because it provides a more accurate reflection of what public investors consider the company to be worth. In this context, the float may refer to all the shares outstanding that can be publicly traded
The float is calculated by subtracting the locked-in shares from outstanding shares. Stocks with smaller floats tend to be more volatile than those with larger floats. In general, the large holdings of founding shareholders, corporate cross-holdings, and government holdings in partially privatized companies are excluded when calculating the size of a public float.
BSEのセクタFinanceにおける浮動株式数の企業と比べるNalwa Sons Investments
Nalwa Sons Investmentsは何をしますか。
Nalwa Sons Investments Limited, a non-banking finance company, engages in the investment and financing activities in India. It operates through two segments, Investment & Finance, and Trading of Goods. The company primarily holds investments in equity shares of steel manufacturing companies of O.P. Jindal Group. It also invests in shares, stocks, or other securities. The company was formerly known as Jindal Strips Limited. Nalwa Sons Investments Limited was incorporated in 1970 and is based in New Delhi, India.
Nalwa Sons Investmentsと類似の浮動株式数
- China Liberal Educationの浮動株式数は10.889M 88.18%です。
- Blackheath Resourcesの浮動株式数は10.895M 111.95%です。
- 8690の浮動株式数は10.906M 60.46%です。
- Altamir SCAの浮動株式数は10.908M 29.90%です。
- J. Smart & Co. (Contractors) PLCの浮動株式数は10.913M 26.13%です。
- cyan AGの浮動株式数は10.917M 73.32%です。
- Nalwa Sons Investmentsの浮動株式数は10.923M 212.66%です。
- Brainswayの浮動株式数は10.923M 66.39%です。
- CESC Venturesの浮動株式数は10.929M 41.22%です。
- Pressure BioSciencesの浮動株式数は10.940M 98.84%です。
- Pressure BioSciencesの浮動株式数は10.940M 98.84%です。
- Pressure BioSciencesの浮動株式数は10.940M 98.84%です。
- Pressure BioSciencesの浮動株式数は10.940M 98.84%です。