Or Kles is the Chief Financial Officer at My Size Inc.
As the Chief Financial Officer of My Size Inc, the total compensation of Mr Kles at My Size Inc is 162,000$. There are 4 executives at My Size Inc getting paid more, with Ronen Luzon having the highest compensation of 273,000$.
Mr Kles is 38, he's been the Chief Financial Officer of My Size Inc since . There are 7 older and 3 younger executives at My Size Inc. The oldest executive at My Size Inc is Yoav Venkert, 59, who is the Chief Operations Officer of TopSpin Israel.
Or's mailing address filed with the SEC is HAYARDEN 4, , AIRPORT CITY, L3, 7010000.
Over the last 7 years, insiders at My Size Inc have traded over 862,197$ worth of My Size Inc stock. The most active insiders traders include Israel Levy、Shoshana Yael Zigdon、Ronen Luzon. On average, My Size Inc executives and independent directors trade stock every 354 days with the average trade being worth of 315,722$. The most recent stock trade was executed by Ronen Luzon on 29 November 2023, trading 4,683 units of MYSZ stock currently worth 3,184$.
my size inc. (nasdaq: mysz, tase: mysz) developed a unique measurement technology based on sophisticated algorithms with broad applications in a variety of areas, from the apparel e-commerce market to do it yourself (diy) smartphone & tablet apps. the technology is driven by several patents algorithms which are able to calculate and record measurements in a variety of novel ways. since the company's inception, it has raised over $10.5 million from accredited investors.
My Size Inc executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include: