Long Term Care Operations 360の内部者の所有権

Long Term Care Operations 360の内部者の所有権は何ですか。

Long Term Care Operations 360の内部者の所有権はN/Aです。


管理の所有権(Insider Ownership)は、発行済株式総数で除したインサイダー(5%超を所有する株主または取締役または役員) が所有する株式総数によって計算されます。

A high value of insider ownership means that those working for the company have a large stake in the success of the company. This is sometimes seen as a sign that those running the company will work hard to ensure its success or believe the company's stock price will rise.

A change in insider ownership may come from exercise of option, stock grant and buying or selling of company shares. A purchase of company share signifies a confidence in the company's future performance by people who know the company best. Therefore, Net Insider buying is also an important indicator for investors.