OncoSec Medical Incの1年間の目標は$8 +2,803.57%です。
One year target is an estimate of a stock price for a point in time equal to a year from the current date. The price level most often reflects the collective opinion of different analysts on where the stock will be trading a year from now. For an analyst to identify an individual estimate, they have to project what a company’s business will look like in a year, typically focusing on revenue and other significant factors. They also consider the willingness of investors to pay a certain price. While the average or median recommendation may be predictive and reflect the actual future value, the results are usually not extremely successful.
oncosec is a san diego-based biotechnology company pioneering new technologies to stimulate the body’s immune system to target and attack cancer. through our proprietary technology, we hope to deliver safer and more effective cancer treatments that can provide long-term benefits for patients. our technology, immunopulse™, is designed to enhance the local delivery and uptake of dna-based immune-targeting agents, such as il-12. clinical trials of immunopulse™ il-12 demonstrated a favorable safety profile and evidence of anti-tumor activity in the treatment of various skin cancers as well as the potential to initiate a systemic immune response. our lead program, immunopulse™ il-12, is currently in phase ii development for several indications, including metastatic melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, and triple-negative breast cancer. to date, study results have laid the groundwork for the expansion into new dna-encoded therapeutic candidates and tumor indications. we ar