MercadoLibre Incの1年間の目標は$1,396 -31.76%です。
One year target is an estimate of a stock price for a point in time equal to a year from the current date. The price level most often reflects the collective opinion of different analysts on where the stock will be trading a year from now. For an analyst to identify an individual estimate, they have to project what a company’s business will look like in a year, typically focusing on revenue and other significant factors. They also consider the willingness of investors to pay a certain price. While the average or median recommendation may be predictive and reflect the actual future value, the results are usually not extremely successful.
founded in 1999 and headquartered in buenos aires, argentina, mercadolibre is latin america’s leading e-commerce technology company. through its primary platforms, and, it provides solutions to individuals and companies buying, selling, advertising, and paying for goods online. serves millions of users and creates a market for a wide variety of goods and services in an easy, safe and efficient way. the site is among the top 50 in the world in terms of page views and is the leading retail platform in unique visitors in each country in which it operates according to metrics provided by comscore networks. mercadolibre maintains a leadership position in 13 latin american countries. the company listed on nasdaq (nasdaq: meli) following its initial public offering in 2007.