Johnson Outdoors Incの時価総額は682.17M$です。
As outstanding stock is bought and sold in public markets, capitalization could be used as an indicator of public opinion of a company's net worth and is a determining factor in some forms of stock valuation.
Market capitalization is used by the investment community in ranking the size of companies, as opposed to sales or total asset figures. It is also used in ranking the relative size of stock exchanges, being a measure of the sum of the market capitalizations of all companies listed on each stock exchange. In performing such rankings, the market capitalizations are calculated at some significant date, such as 30 June or 31 December.
The total capitalization of stock markets or economic regions may be compared with other economic indicators. The total market capitalization of all publicly traded companies in the world was US$51.2 trillion in January 2007 and rose as high as US$57.5 trillion in May 2008 before dropping below US$50 trillion in August 2008 and slightly above US$40 trillion in September 2008. In 2014 and 2015, global market capitalization was US$68 trillion and US$67 trillion, respectively.
johnson outdoors turns ideas into adventure with innovative, market-leading outdoor recreational products. the company’s unique network model combines the strength and efficiency of a large organization with the creativity and agility of its entrepreneurial beginnings. founded in 1970 by samuel c. johnson, the company has delivered double-digit compound annual revenue growth over its history, evolving from a single brand into a nearly $400 million global enterprise with nearly 1,300 employees across 16 countries. johnson outdoors designs, manufacturers and markets many of the world’s best known outdoor recreation brands. the company’s award-winning innovation is fueled by a unique passion for the outdoors, coupled with sophisticated market research and cutting-edge technology, to advance a continuous pipeline of successful new products across four categories: marine electronics, watercraft, outdoor gear and diving. new products have represented a third or more of total company revenu